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One Westport's Circular Economy Event

One Westport

28 May 2024

One Westport's Circular Economy event is taking place on June 15th from 10am-4pm at Town Hall Theatre, Westport. The theme of the event is 'Change One Thing' and the group hopes to encourage everyone, from individuals to business and organisations to 'change one thing' to accelerate the transition to the circular economy.

The event will consist of exhibitions, workshops, demonstrations, and a series of talks on all things circular economy. Talks and presentations will focus on the connection between the circular economy and topics, including food, waste, energy, and everyday consumables, as well as bioenergy, furniture design, the built environment and more.

So, what is the Circular Economy?

The circular economy is a system where materials never become waste and nature is regenerated. In a circular economy, products and materials are kept in circulation through processes like maintenance, reuse, refurbishment, remanufacture, recycling, and composting – Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation.

Why does it matter?

The circular economy tackles climate change and other global challenges, like biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution, by decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources – Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation.

What’s happening in Ireland around the Circular Economy?

Ireland has a Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy which aligns with the ambition of the Climate Action Plan and the European Green Deal. It’s part of Ireland’s National Waste Policy 2020-2025.

What does the Circular Economy mean for me?

The Circular Economy is important on many levels, crucially to help tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution. It’s also important because it can help save money by extending the life of products, reducing waste, reducing environmental burden, creating new opportunities for products, services, jobs, and new ways of thinking.

  • What if we could rethink the way we make and use things?

  • What if we could repurpose and old item for a new use?

  • What if we could reuse and reuse something over and over?

  • What if we could remanufacture a product or a part to create something new, or extend a product’s life?

  • What if we could recycle more and waste less?

  • What if we could reduce the number of products we use, or refuse to use in the first place?

  • What if we could repair or refurbish a product to extend its use?

  • What if we could recover energy from waste?

What if we could do these things while helping to reduce our household spend, or business costs, and it helped the planet in the process?

From clothes repair, to bicycle maintenance, and building with recycled materials, to making energy from waste, and reducing the amount of packaging in our shopping basket, or reducing the amount of food waste, and making compost for the garden, we’ve got it covered at the One Westport Circular Economy event on June 15th, 10am-4pm at the Town Hall Theatre, Westport.

Join us for this great event!

One Planet, One Future, One Westport.

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